Then, in the Device config, the user could, optionally, provide the full pathname of the file.īTW, With the ability in WS-3 to define multiple weather underground PWSs as "agents" this plugin really makes scripts like my (now dated) weather underground AppleScript obsolete. To download data for the date range, tap the download icon.

Pick a data range by selecting the calendar. WeatherSnoop talks to your Davis Vantage Pro/Vantage Vue, Ambient Weather WS-1080/WS-2080, Weatherwise Solar Pro, RainWise CC-3000, Peet Bros. So, rather than creating a UI based editing system, the user could create a file with the names of the desired states. To download data from : Switch to Data View by selecting the Data icon. This makes a pull-down list pretty hard to use.Īdmittedly, the number of users who might want this feature is limited. If you are a programmer, consider our API for automatically downloading data: API You can also use a third party application, such as WeatherSnoop for Mac. to the Mac Mini, which also runs Tee-Boy Softwares Weathersnoop 3 software. WeatherSnoop is a robust yet easy to use application for extracting real-time weather data from your personal weather station or Internet-based data provider. That's 70 different measurements times the display options - and most of the measurements are for sensors I do't even have installed. The stream is run from an Apple Mac Mini running Boinx Softwares mimolive. When including a state from a Weather station in an action, control page, condition etc, the list can be very long, especially for some of the advanced weather stations like the Davis Pro series which have 145 states. Compatible with WeatherSnoop software for Mac.
In order to ensure a successful setup, it is important that your station. the weather from your WS2083 from anywhere in the world using a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android phone. The ability to prune the list of states displayed for a WeatherSnoop plugin "station" device. Generally, getting your weather stations data to your Mac is easy using WeatherSnoop. In that case I would like to enter a feature request (yeah, I know the likelihood of it's ever getting to the top of the list, but.). Ok, and I can see why you made it dynamic.